You Didn't Sacrifice Shit.

You Didn't Sacrifice Shit.

Just hear me out...

Our Mindset and the words we choose matter.

I have been an athlete most of my life, and the vast majority of that was weight classed, meaning I have to weigh a certain amount or I can’t compete. 

Wrestling in college, the two of the biggest tournaments were around Thanksgiving and Christmas, both are great for gorging yourself. 

During this time, I would have to run, limit my food and calories, and no alcohol. 

After college I went straight into MMA and fought, and ended my career at 170lbs. I walked around at 200, and right now I’m 230 and have abs. 

I missed countless parties, events, trips, and vacations. 

To many, this would be a sacrifice.

To me, this was an investment. 

That’s the mindset that has set me up for success. 

People will always say “oh so and so sacrificed so much to be here” and shit like that because by using “sacrifice” they can put a negative spin on it. 

It’s easy for people to look at things and say “I’m not willing to sacrifice XYZ to achieve my goal,” but it’s MUCH harder to face the fact that they aren’t reaching their goals because they haven’t invested in it. 

I never sacrificed a single opportunity to party with my friends. 

I invested in myself at practice, a fight or a match. 

I never sacrificed a meal, I invested in my successful weight cut. 

When you put money in your retirement account are you sacrificing money or investing it in your future?

Why don’t we look at our lives this way?

You should. You should start right now.

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